Ocean State University women’s basketball team is hosting a few recruits this weekend.  The coaches would like the 3 managers to be involved and help out with transportation.

Is it permissible for the managers to be involved with the official visits?

Yes with conditions.

Division I NCAA Staff Interpretation- 12/12/14- Activities Involving a Graduate Assistant Coach, Undergraduate Assistant Coach or Manager During a Prospective Student-Athlete’s Official Visit (I)- states that a graduate assistant coach, undergraduate student assistant coach or student manager may receive a meal with a prospective student-athlete during the prospective student-athlete’s official visit, within a 30-mile radius of the institution’s campus. Further, these individuals may provide ground transportation to a prospective student-athlete and the prospective student-athlete’s parents, relatives or legal guardians between the campus and any bus or train station or airport during an official visit. Finally, they may also provide ground transportation from the nearest bus or train station or major airport to campus on the student-athlete’s initial arrival at the institution to attend classes for a regular term or to participate in preseason practice, or for initial enrollment in the institution’s summer term for a prospective student-athlete who has been awarded athletically related financial aid for his or her initial summer term.

[References: NCAA Division I Bylaws 11.01.3 (coach, graduate assistant — bowl subdivision football and women’s rowing); 11.01.4 (coach, undergraduate student assistant); 11.01.6 (manager); (from airport or bus or train station); 13.5.4 (transportation prior to initial enrollment); (student host); (multiple hosts); (meals on official visit); staff interpretations (10/14/98, Item No. 19) and (12/20/12, Item No. c) which have been archived]


Categories: Compliance
