Back Field is a freshman football student-athlete at Ocean State University.  Back has played in 4 games so far this season, but the coaches are still undecided as to whether they want Back to red-shirt this season.

Is it permissible for Back to red-shirt since he has participated in 4 games so far this season?


Yes with conditions.  NCAA Staff Interpretation- 9/28/18- Season of Competition Exception — Division I Competition Only — Football- states that, in football, a student-athlete may compete in up to four contests at a Division I institution each season without using a season of competition.

[Reference:  NCAA Division I Bylaws 12.8.3 (criteria for determining season of competition), (minimum amount of competition), (exception — football)]

Division I NCAA Bylaw states that in football, a student-athlete may compete in up to four contests in a season without using a season of competition. (Adopted: 8/8/18 effective 8/1/18 for competition that occurs on or after 8/1/18)

Categories: Compliance
